Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bad Money?

There was an interesting article on Forbes.com from Martin Zwilling last week regarding the types of angel investors entrepreneurs should avoid. His list includes control freaks, has-beens, and numb skulls to name a few.

The article got me thinking around this idea of "bad money" from angels, or even investors in general. Is there such a thing as bad money? -- no question. There has been and always will be predatory investors motivated by greed, malice, and self-interest. These are the investors that companies should be avoiding at all costs. The question entrepreneurs need to be asking themselves is "Where do I draw line?".

When money is tight and desperation to keep a dream alive sets in, I'd argue that any idea of bad money flies right out the window, which I don't necessarily believe is a bad thing. There are different levels of "bad" investors, many of which entrepreneurs, the Kings of Perseverance, should be able to overcome. If an angel investor becomes a nuisance, entrepreneurs should focus on growing their business to a point where they can pick and choose their investors, pushing any bad money further and further down the cap table.

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