Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Beginning

This blog is something I've wanted to do for a long now, but never actually made the commitment. I'm glad I've made the leap now and I sincerely hope it is something that anyone with an interest in venture capital, start ups, or simply investing in general will enjoy. Since my college graduation, I've spent the last year and half learning everything I can about business & venture capital investing. This blog is not only meant to help others with a passion for investing, but also help myself continue to learn and absorb as much as possible. I'm a firm believer in being a life long learner, and I hope this blog will be an avenue for that.

So why the name "Cautious Capital?" First off, coming up with a blog name was probably the biggest barrier for me to make this jump into the blogosphere. The title is not only descriptive of my stance on venture capital, but also my outlook on the current economic recovery. Venture capital and early stage companies are one of the riskiest, if not the riskiest, investment vehicles available. An investment in an early stage company will test the investors' devotion, business acumen, and sanity, sometimes all within one week. The hurdles an early stage start up must endure are endless, but the good ones always seem to find a way to battle through problems week after week.

With this in mind, I always like to stay cautiously optimistic. Venture investments, and the asset class in general, are too risky to proceed any other way. Proceeding with caution allows me properly assess each company with a level head, never getting too excited by a business plan, milestone, or whatever it may be. Yet, I like to remain optimistic (I tend to be "happy go lucky" so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise optimism has found a way into my investment philosophy) that early stage companies will figure out a way to solve problem after problem, and at the end of road there will be a lot more good than bad.

I sincerely hope readers enjoy this blog and take something of value away from it. If nothing more, I'm confident my entrance into the blogosphere will serve as a valuable learning tool for myself as I continue to progress through the early stages of my career.

I am truly passionate about business and investing, and I hope it shows through this blog.

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